Why The Left Will Never Understand Us
By Prudence Cummings
Note: Names Have Been Omitted to Protect from the Leftist’s Rampant Cancel Culture B.S.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The battle going on, between those who support Trump and those who don’t, is a spiritual one. It is the fundamental reason why the Left doesn’t understand the Right and why they probably never will.
I was upset recently by a thread on Facebook that involved a question posed by a woman who, by her own admission, “doesn’t practice any religion, was raised Catholic and considers all religions to have some intrinsic value.” All religions save for Christianity that is, when practiced by Evangelicals who voted for Donald Trump.

She wanted to know why Evangelical Christians seem to be Trump’s biggest supporters. In her mind, it seemed like an “incredible irony” since Trump consistently speaks “cruel, mean and racist comments?” (BTW, no actual racist comments were provided as examples). She wondered, how a population, “whose values are exactly the opposite of what this guy says could be his biggest supporters?” and added, “I would like to better understand. I was raised Catholic so I can say that Christian beliefs generally include non-judgment, kindness, tolerance, forgiveness, love.”
I don’t know about any of you but it always strikes me as odd when non-believers think it’s reasonable to pontificate on Christianity simply because they were (1) raised in a Christian household—even though they (2) didn’t believe in Christianity at the time, and (3) aren’t currently practicing Christianity—yet somehow are now experts on Christianity; what Christianity means; and exactly how it should be interpreted. But I digress.

Of this woman’s “friends” only a few Christians responded. One wrote, “I am a Christian—saved by the blood of Jesus—and I am voting for Trump … what he is supporting and enforcing aligns with the Bible.” The majority of people on the thread posted laughing emojis and dismissed her comment as irrational.
Another Christian spoke up stating, “We are voting on a person who aligns closest to God’s word and three main points that true Christians do not waiver from: Abortion, same sex marriage, and eliminating Prayer/God. It is that simple. You have two candidates: one that supports the above and one that opposes.”
The hatred and judgment from the “nonjudgmental” unbelievers was swift. If you’ve spent any time on Facebook recently, you can well imagine the responses. They ran the gamut from “Evangelicals aren’t really Christians,” to “I think they worship Trump more than God!” and so on. And there were so many derogatory remarks towards the few Christians that did respond, it caused another to write, “Was going to answer in depth, but it feels too hostile from the first few comments … Trump and evangelicals have a common enemy which is liberalism. Why would they support Biden and Harris since they do in fact support policies that make it harder for evangelicals to practice their Christianity as they see fit.”
To which a respondent challenged, “How exactly do [liberals] make it harder?”
And he succinctly explained:
1. An evangelical is forced to pay abortion coverage if they are an employer and believe abortion is wrong (same with birth control).
2. They are forced to, as a for instance, bake a birthday cake for a gay couple even though they see baking a custom decorated cake as an endorsement of gay marriage which they believe is a sin.
3. They see a push by some liberals to end evangelicals’ tax-exempt status for not accepting, endorsing things like gay marriage.
After this comment, he was summarily denounced as a homophobe and someone even derided him saying, “You owe America an apology!”
“Really? America? The entire nation? ‘Come on, Man!’” I posted, to quote the Left’s latest “guardian of morality.”

Later in the thread, the moderator posted, “Are those dogmatic silly “rules” about gay marriage and pro life — that were written by people — really believed to be truisms? Do they supersede the very basic spiritual qualities of being a spiritual devotee or is being a Christian a different thing? I really would like to hear some from someone who is in that camp.”
The irony is, of course, that unbelievers have been hearing from those “in that camp,” for a long time, but refuse to understand because they don’t believe and because they don’t believe they can’t understand. It’s really quite the Catch 22.
There are plenty of Christians, myself included, that could give a rat’s ass whether or not you are gay or trans or want to identify as a turnip. We just feel we shouldn’t have to change our faith-based behaviors to bend to your beliefs. We honestly prefer to live and let live. Do your thing, but don’t make us change ours. So when it seems only Christians are under attack, it’s a bit difficult for us to understand. I’ve yet to see a Leftist challenge the homophobic tenants of the Muslim faith.

Incidentally, one atheist supported Trump and specifically asked for examples of Trump’s racist comments. That thread went like this:
Atheist Trump Supporter: “I have never heard a racist comment from Trump. You yourself have heard him say something racist?”
Liberal Trump Hater: “Research; covert and overt racism. Even people in his circle have said he’s a racist and has made comments off camera in their private conversations. You haven’t heard it because you don’t want to hear it and that’s what’s so scary about this country.”
Atheist Trump Supporter: “I believe what I see and I don’t see any racism.”
Liberal Trump Hater: “Well then, you’re racist too.”
The Liberal didn’t know the Atheist responding on this thread at all, yet had no problem calling him racist just for thinking that Trump isn’t racist.

But the winning comment as to what type of Evangelicals support Trump was this one:
“Probably the [same] people who believe they will be whisked away to heaven while the world burns. They want that.”
Newsflash to the liberals: If we Christians wanted the New World Order to come we would have all voted for Biden/Harris.

One brave soul spoke out: “If you read Revelations this is what will happen. But it starts in believing who Jesus is, what He did for us, and that the Bible is the unchanged Word of God.”
Yes, that is the crux of it all. The Bible is the Word of God, and Revelations holds a key to our spiritual future—whether the nonbelievers believe it or not.
Revelation 13:16-17:
He required everyone—great and small, rich and poor, slave and free—to be tattooed with a certain mark on the right hand or the forehead. And no one could get a job or even buy in any store without the permit of that mark, which was either the name of the Creature of the code number of his name.
We are already seeing the advent of a microchip within the Covid-19 vaccines. We are already learning of schools prohibiting students from online classes without proof of vaccination, and of course, despite multiple web results verifying the true intentions of ID2020 (and its goal to chip every person on the planet) we are now seeing “fact checking” boxes with contrary information coming up through Google searches about the company and its plans, an attempt by big tech to obfuscate the truth—and prevent people from finding honest news and correct information.

Wasn’t it Occam’s razor that said, the simplest solution is usually the right one. Let’s look at it this way, if you are admitted to a nail salon or a restaurant, what is the current mandate? Your temperature is checked either on your wrist or forehead. A digital implant is the next likely step; a precursor of things to come.

So to those of you who aren’t practicing Christians, like the woman who posted her Facebook query, who think you know everything about Christianity know this—while all Christians believe that Jesus will come back—not all of us believe in the rapture of the church in the same way, and some of us don’t believe in the rapture at all. But whether we disagree on these points, we do agree on the return of Jesus and the rise of the Antichrist and we do see an emergence of protocols from the Left that would seem to us to hasten this inevitability.
We believe that your demagogues, your Bidens’, your Harris’, your Cancel Culture, your Antifa agitators, your micro-chipped vaccines with recombinant DNA and your elitist government controllers are all part of a global New World Order that will bring us to the brink of the Apocalypse. And we wish you could see it as well—we really do—and we pray for your eyes to be opened.